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Tips for Better Gas Mileage

Tips for Better Gas Mileage

Tips for Better Gas Mileage

Ever-rising fuel prices continue wreaking havoc on the budgets of consumers. There are a number of ways to get better gas mileage. One way includes ensuring that the vehicle continues functioning at optimal levels. Technicians at our Stouffville Nissan Service Centre are always ready to make the necessary adjustments and repairs needed to improve your vehicle's performance and offer tips for better gas mileage. Here are some things you can do for better mileage and increased savings!

Drive Conservatively

  • Sudden stops and starts deplete fuel reserves by up to 40%. Contrary to popular belief, speeding reduces the time it takes to get to a destination by a mere 4%, but every 16 km driven over the speed limit increases gas consumption by 10%. So, it's in your best interest to take a more conservative approach to driving.

Use Cruise Control

  • Building on that, when out on the highway, using cruise control saves gas consumption and reduces expenses by ensuring the vehicle maintains a constant speed. New vehicles with adaptive cruise control minimize the instances of braking as they can detect the distance between your vehicle and adjust speed accordingly, therefore conserving fuel.

Avoid Idling Your Vehicle

  • Newer vehicle models do not require extended lengths of time to get warm during cold weather months. In fact, extensive idling wastes gas. If a stop requires sitting in a vehicle for longer than 60 seconds, turn the engine off.

Tire Inflation

  • Tire pressure also plays a role in gas consumption. Under-inflated tires may increase fuel usage by up to 6%. Our expert technicians recommend that you check tire pressure at least monthly and refill the tires as needed.

Air Conditioner Usage

  • It is common to use the air conditioning system on hot days. But the stress added to the powertrain decreases fuel efficiency by up to 10%. When driving around town or running errands, consider simply rolling down the windows instead.

Monitor Power Accessories

  • Before starting or turning off the engine, make sure that all accessories are turned off. In this way, the alternator is not working overtime, thereby increasing the engine's workload. Schedule an appointment with our Parts Centre to assess vehicle components that may need replacing for optimal operation.

Visit Us

If you're in Stouffville, Ontario, and the surrounding regions of Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, or Uxbridge, stop by our dealership for all your vehicle's needs today!